Writing for Saxophones, by Jay Easton, the most comprehensive book written to date on the entire saxophone family.

Now available! click on the image for details and ordering information
Browse catalog:
- Books and Resources
- Books
- Recordings
- Large ensemble
- Wind Ensemble (concert band)
- Large Saxophone Ensemble
- Saxophone music
- Solo (Unaccompanied) Saxophone
- Saxophone and Piano
- Saxophone Quartet
- Saxophone Quintet
- Large Saxophone Ensemble
- Clarinet music
- Solo (Unaccompanied) Clarinet
- Clarinet Quartet
- Jazz ensemble
- 10 Piece Big Band (6 horn)
- 10 Piece Big Band w/vocal
- 17 Piece Big Band (5 saxes / 4 tpt / 4 tbn)
- 17 Piece Big Band w/vocal
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The website is experiencing a MAJOR overhaul for better and faster viewing and a more intuitive and useful catalog. Please bear with us as we clean up the glitches and hiccups. If you experience any frustrating problems or have suggestions on how to improve your experience, PLEASE email ward@wardbaxter.com so we can get it fixed right away! Thanks for your patience...